
Archive for July, 2012

This resolution was presented by MIRAc and passed at a Town Hall Forum on Civil Liberties on June 4, 2012 in at the American Indian OIC in Minneapolis.

Respect the Civil Liberties of Immigrant Workers in the U.S.
Submitted by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAc)

Whereas: In the United States today, there are over 12 million undocumented immigrants. Immigrants in the U.S. have their basic civil liberties violated every day in countless ways.

Whereas: All human beings have a right to basic civil liberties and rights such as the freedom from slavery and forced labor; freedom from torture and death; the freedom to migrate to seek a better life or to escape from oppression and poverty; the right to liberty and security; right to a fair trial; freedom of expression; freedom of assembly and association; the right to participation in the decisions that affect one’s life; the right to travel freely within the society one lives; and the right to marry or have a self-defined family structure respected and given equal treatment under the law.

Whereas: Many immigrant agricultural workers are forced into forced labor and even literally slavery in the U.S today as has been documented by the Coalition of Imokalee Workers (see http://www.ciw-online.org/museum_news_page.html)

Whereas: Thousands of immigrants die every year trying to cross the U.S.’s southern border because of conscious U.S. policy pushing people into the remotest desert locations.

Whereas: Dozens or hundreds of anti-immigrant laws exist for the specific purpose of making undocumented immigrants feel insecure and live in constant fear of family separation and deportation.

Whereas: Over a million immigrants have been deported over the last three years. They technically all have the right to a hearing before a judge, but in reality we believe this is a deportation machine that is not designed to provide fair trials.

Whereas: Undocumented immigrants live in constant fear of deportation. Due to this, many immigrants in practice have their freedom of expression, assembly and association restricted by the fear that speaking out for their basic rights could lead to reprisals including deportation and separation of family.

Whereas: Millions of undocumented immigrants live and work in this country for years or even decades, but have no right to vote or to participate in the political decisions that affect their lives. This is disenfranchisement. All people should have the right to participate in the political decisions that affect their lives.

Whereas: In almost the entire United States, undocumented immigrants have no way to obtain a valid identification or driver’s licence; being stopped by the police while driving without a licence can lead to deportation; immigration authorities make sweeps on long distance buses; it’s impossible to fly without valid identification. All these facts vastly restrict undocumented immigrants’ right to travel within the country.

Whereas: Immigrants who are GLBTQ or who choose alternate family structures face discrimination from the government in not having their relationship recognized in cases where a heterosexual marriage could help to legalize their immigration status.

Therefore be it resolved: MIRAc calls on the U.S. government to respect all civil liberties of undocumented immigrants and to repeal all laws that restrict or violate the civil liberties of immigrants in the U.S. MIRAC demands legalization and full equality for all undocumented immigrants in the U.S. as the only way that undocumented immigrants’ civil liberties can be fully respected.

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Discusion sobre los cambios recientes para inmigrantes — “acción diferida”, SB1070, y S-COMM

14 de julio
4200 Cedar Ave S, Minneapolis

Habra comida gratis y cuidado de ninos.

MIRAc te invita a una discusion abierta sobre los cambios importantes que recientemente han pasado que afectan a los inmigrantes y la lucha pro-inmigrante.

Cambios importantes recientes:

* Respondiendo a la presion de jovenes inmigrantes (DREAMers) el presidente anuncio “acción diferida” que significa que cientos de miles de jovenes podrian evitar la deportacion y sacar un permiso de trabajo por dos anyos.

* La corte suprema rechazo la mayoria de la ley anti-inmigrante en Arizona SB1070 pero dejo una parte de la ley en efecto.

* El programa de deportacion S-COMM (“Comunidades Seguras”) ya esta implementado en Minnesota y en casi todo el pais.

Estos hechos cambian la conyunctura y la situacion en que estamos organizando por los derechos de los inmigrantes.

Queremos consultar y discutir con la comunidad inmigrante para decidir como salir adelenate con la lucha en esta nueva situacion.

Ven a esta discusion para dar tus ideas sobre lo que significan estos cambios y lo que deberiamos hacer ahora.

MIRAc – El comite para los derechos de los inmigrantes
MIRAcMN@gmail.com | 651-389-9174

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Evento en facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/390812477634147/

Domingo, 22 de julio
Iglesia la Asunción
En St. Joseph’s Hall
(gimnasio de la iglesia)
305 E. 77 Street, Richfield, MN 55423

Taller informativo: suspensión de deportaciones de  ciertos jóvenes y estudiantes  indocumentados (DREAMers)

Se hace una cordial invitación a todo padre de familia, estudiante, maestro, familiar, aliado, persona interesada en el tema a que asistan al Taller Informativo sobre esta nueva política. Estará también participando con nosotros un abogado especialista para contestar todas sus preguntas.

El 15 de junio, el Departamento de Seguridad Interna de Estados Unidos (DHS, por sus siglas en inglés) publicó una nueva política conocida como “acción diferida” (deferred action), gracias a la cual se suspenderán temporalmente las deportaciones de ciertos jóvenes y estudiantes indocumentados. Los detalles específicos de esta nueva medida, incluidos la solicitud y los documentos que deben presentarse, serán anunciados por las autoridades de Estados Unidos en un plazo de 60 días a partir de la fecha de su anuncio. Es muy importante tomar en cuenta que, hasta el momento, ninguna autoridad migratoria estadounidense está recibiendo solicitudes de personas que podrían beneficiarse con esta nueva medida. Se recomienda a los jóvenes latinoamericanos y a sus familias que NO presenten solicitudes hasta que se publiquen las reglas. Ven a este taller para aprender mas.

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Comité para los Derechos de los Inmigrantes en Minnesota

facebook.com/MIRAcMN | 651-389-9174 | MIRAcMN@gmail.com

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